=" p=">
=">Move all fixed speedcam files and all mobile speedcam files in one folder before starting POI Loader.
(Ignore that step when you only install fixed speedcams.)
For example we create a new folder SCDB-Blitzer at the desktop. Now we move all files to install into that folder.
Fixed speedcams: Move all *.csv and *.bmp files to SCDB-Blitzer: Mobile speedcams: Choose 1 country (or folder 'All countries') and move all *.csv files to SCDB-Blitzer: Mobile speedcams: Choose subfolder with prefered icon size (e.g. mobile_32x32_8bit_medium) and move all *.bmp files to SCDB-Blitzer: Finally the folder SCDB-Blitzer includes all files to install:Switch on the Garmin device and connect it to the computer.
Start software POI Loader.
Follow the instructions of POI Loader on screen.
Disconnect the Garmin device when POI Loader is finished.
Switch on the Garmin device.
Mostly Cyclops sample POIs are preinstalled in the POI folder (e.g. AustriaGermanyCyclopsSample.gpi).
Cyclops POIs prevent the display of SCDB POIs. Therefore you have to delete (Löschen) all Cyclops files.
Now your Garmin is ready for a safe trip!