Visual Basic 6 0 Enterprise Edition A4

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First released in 1991, Microsoft Visual Basic was a programming environment where one could build an application by visually creating the user interface first, and then adding code. In contrast, even the smallest Visual Basic basic programs could take reams of program code to write in C or C++. Visual Basic was extremely popular for business application programming. The language itself was an interpreted BASIC dialect, however speed was maintained through the use of reusable compiled libraries (DLLs and VBX controls). These however, limited application development to Microsoft Windows.

Visual Basic easily interfaced with many database products (most notably Microsoft Access) and reporting tools (most notably Crystal Reports)

Visual Basic 3 was the most popular version under 16-bit Windows 3.1, while Visual Basic 6 was the most popular for 32-bit Windows 95/NT and later. After version 6, Visual Basic was replaced by 'Visual Basic.NET', a very incompatible product based around Microsoft's 'Dot Net' virtual machine runtime, essentially killing it off as a serious development product.


Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, now part of Visual Studio, was the last version of the true 'Visual Basic' product. It was extremely popular, and is still used in many businesses. It is the last that can create native 32-bit applications for Windows 9x and NT. The replacement product 'VB.NET' requires Dot Net, and changes the core basic language in such a way that it is difficult to port VB 6 applications.

Installation instructions

Requires that MSIE 4 or later is installed.

Visual Basic 6 (VB6) was one of the easiest programming languages to learn back in the day. It was released in 1998 and is now replaced by Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET). Even though VB6 is outdated, the programs created and compiled with VB6 can still work with the latest Windows operating systems which is why you can still find people attempting to install VB6 on Windows 10. One example is a high profile FBI crackdown case on the powerful RAT malware called BlackShades which is capable of silently doing a lot of things on a remote computer and it is created with VB6.

If you’re trying to install VB6 on newer operating systems starting from Windows 8 onward especially with 64-bit architecture, you are sure to encounter installation problems. One of the problems is the setup installer asking you to update your Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java which was discontinued back in 2003. It is a terribly bad idea to go ahead and install the outdated Java as there might be vulnerabilities that can compromise your system’s security.

Apart from that, if you’re trying to install VB6 in Windows 8 and above with 64-bit, you may also encounter problems with the VB6 setup not able to complete the installation and hanging at “Setup is updating your system“.

In this article we’ll show you how to successfully install Visual Basic 6 (VB6) in Windows 10 64-bit.

Bypass Update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java

A computer should always maintain the latest version of Java and is pointless to have the discontinued Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java on the computer just to install Visual Basic 6. The problem is, the VB6 setup does not allow you to continue with the installation if you untick the “Update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java” checkbox as it grays out the Next button.

The solution is to trick the VB6 setup into thinking that the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java already exists on the system so the installer automatically skips this step. Basically the VB6 setup checks if the file MSJAVA.DLL exists in the System32 folder for 32-bit operating systems or in SysWOW64 for 64-bit operating systems. It is possible to create a zero byte MSJAVA.DLL fake file and place it in either System32 or SysWOW64 depending on the Windows architecture but this doesn’t work in Windows 10.

If you have 7-Zip archiver (If you don’t have, you can download 7-Zip from here), go to the IE4 folder located in the VB6 installation files, right click at MSJAVX86.exe, go to 7-Zip and select “Open archive“.

In 7-Zip, double click on which will open another list of files. Look for msjava.dll in the list, extract and copy it to C:WindowsSystem32 if you’re on a 32-bit of Windows or C:WindowsSysWOW64 if you’re on a 64-bit Windows. If you are unable to follow the steps above, or don’t want to install additional programs such as 7-Zip, you can download the MSJAVA.DLL file from the link below and copy it to the directory mentioned above.


After copying MSJAVA.DLL to either the System32 or SysWOW64 folder, you can launch the Visual Basic 6 setup.exe file to start the installation. You’ll notice that it doesn’t prompt you to update your Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java anymore. If you’re unsure about the architecture of your Windows operating system, the general rule is to copy the MSJAVA.DLL file to SysWOW64 folder if it exist, and if it doesn’t, then copy it to System32.

Prevent “Setup is updating your system…” progress from getting stuck

If you follow the default installation options, chances are you’ll experience the “Setup is updating your system” progress getting stuck, especially on a 64-bit Windows operating system.

If you take a look at Task Manager, you’ll notice that the process ACMSETUP.EXE uses up a lot of CPU resources, but there is no progress even after waiting for hours. You can terminate the hung process which stops the installation from completing and the resulting problem is you won’t find the Visual Basic 6 shortcuts in the start menu and there will not be an entry in Programs and Features for you to uninstall the program. You can however still run Visual Basic 6 directly from the program’s folder.

Since the Visual Basic 6 installer was created back in 1998, there are some components that will not install properly in a current Windows operating system which causes the installation to get stuck or hang. After investigating further, we found the culprit and you’ll just need to exclude the specific item from installation to solve the problem.

During the setup options, you are asked to choose 3 options which are Custom, Products or Server Applications. Make sure to select Custom and click Next.

When you get to the installation part that asks you to choose the components from the list, select “Data Access” and click the Change Option button.

You will then get another list of components with only 5 items. Select the first option “ADO, RDS, and OLE DB Providers” and click the Change Option button.

Now you’ll get another list of components that belongs to the ADO, RDS and OLE DB Providers. Simply uncheck the first option “ADO and RDS” and click OK.

You should get a warning that this component is an essential part of the application and the application will not run properly if it is not installed. You can ignore that warning popup by clicking OK and proceeding with the installation. The VB6 installation setup should now complete successfully without problems.

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Installed as suggested by you, but while opening no errors but to run simple vb program the Visual Basic IDE crashes . Closes by itself on pressuring run button . Pls suggest me what to do

Charlie Hieroglyph2 months ago

Unselecting installation of ADO and RDS in Data Tools (VB6 install) did the trick for me on 64-bits Windows 10.


It works!! thnku.

dk2 months ago

Fantastic. I found that it’s best to also remove the Enterprise Tools > Analyzer.


Thank you very much! I’m happy to work with VB 6.0 under Windows 10.

Rusty Bascom3 months ago

Seriously, awesome. I’m a bit embarrassed to be still using a development tool that is 19 years old.

There is a Service Pak for VB6. That also does not seem to install correctly. Any advice?


Thanks so much. Worked like a charm.

CLARK DAILEY5 months ago

This procedure allowed me to install VC6 SP6 on a Windows 7 Professional machine
which then fixed several problems including: 1) cant open a file 2) cant add files to project.
Thank you!!!


But what if we want to work with ADO,OLEDB as it is essential part for my developement.

MW3 months ago

Yes, a very good question. And is Sysinfo.ocx affected?


This is an excellent article, thank you very much, It did fixed my issue finally. Bernhard schlink liebesfluchten pdf file.

Ben6 months ago

Thanks so much for this! i have spent hours trying to install!


Thks very much this idea really help me so much

kag6 months ago

Thank you very much. It did work finally.


I am also getting “Setup was unable to create a DCOM user account in order to register “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual StudioCommonToolsVS-Ent98Vanalyzrvalec.exe

Marcus6 months ago


Many thanks for your instructions. Got past the obstacles eventually. I just wonder if it is possible to revisit the setup to change back to the default settings now that the program functions? I am using Windows 10 ver 1809

Brent8 months ago

Using the instructions on this page I was finally able to get V6 Enterprise installed. here are some things I did to finally get installed:
Run from CD setup.exe in administrative mode and compatibility XP
Edited the Enterprise Tools: Unchecked visual modeling; the web option and don’t remember exactly but kept trying and eliminating some enterprise tools.
I was ask to restart to complete setup. I did then received a popup about APEMREG.exe. I first tried compatibility mode and then later I was ask if it installed correctly. I answered Yes.
I did not try and register over the web because I registered many years ago and guessed the registeration would fail.
Many thanks for this website. I probably would not have thought of unchecking the ADO


Thanks, the suggestion to uncheck the ADO got my install past the install of all components but install failed with the message
Setup was unable to create DCOM user account in order to register ‘C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual StudioCommonToolsVS-Ent98Vanalyzrvalec.exe
I also tried running setup.exe as administrator and in xp compatibility mode.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Bill8 months ago

Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me. In point where you uncheck the data components proceeds through the screens, but then recursively repeats the three screens. I finally just clicked Ok and the install started. At the end I got a error saying it failed to self-register a .DLL file.

I am also unable to uninstall the partial load of VB6 because the uninstall program can’t find the Setup.stf file (because the install program never created one). I’d appreciate any help at all (via email if you could) to resolve this. I’m on a 64-bit Windows 10, v.1803. I would assume it isn’t safe to just manually delete the files.


I have 2 applications, home use, which require VB6.0 to connect to a Microsoft Access Database and without ADO this is useless.
Is there anyway after installing without ADO to register that component manually?

VB6.0 is the only reason for me to continue to use any MS OS. I can do everything else I want with Linux.

Asifur8 months ago

What the ADO and RDS does?


Followed the instructions, and VB6 installed without a hitch. Thanks!

Chris10 months ago

Unfortunately this only works if you run setup.exe twice.
If you deinstall vb6 and remove all files.
Then start setup.exe again and follow your instructions it will still
stuck at the end.
Only after 2nd try it will goes to the end.

I would prefer to have it fully ended after 1st try.


I love you!!!

Peter Jakob11 months ago

Thanks for the great tutorial!
Works perfectly!
All the best and kind regards


Thanks a lot, it saved a lot of effort for me :)
Kudos to your efforts!

Lee Boon Teck12 months ago

Thank you for a very clear and helpful instruction set. It has been of great help to me. My appreciation to your contributions.


thanks for the help. Karate kid 2010 full movie putlocker. now to get SP6 installed on top of this

Antonio C.1 year ago

Thank you!! Much appreciated.


Awesome, thanks heaps.

Michael1 year ago

Excellent article! Thank you.


Excellent article! Thank you. I also have SP2, SP5 & SP6 can these also be installed, and can the 2 MSDN Library discs be installed once the VB6 program is installed?

TdFayez1 year ago

thank you saved my time !!


I was getting a “this app can’t run on your pc” error trying to run a VB exe file on Server 2016. I went back to my development PC that is Windows 10 64 bit and set the VB.EXE to compatibility mode XP SP3 and the problem went away.

LuisC1 year ago

Great! It works! Thanks a lot :)


Thanks, otherwise it would have been an XP VM!

Pradeep Lakhotia1 year ago

Thanks a lot. It was very good and explained very well.


Million thanks!
That ADO and RDS took me almost 5 hours!
Great Jon here!

najeeb2 years ago

Thanks for the article
I have met with an issue. All my installation files are in one folder and not on CDs. After choosing custom option,the installer is asking for visual studio 6.0Enterprise edition Disk 1, which I dont have as all installation files are in one folder. Can nyone help? Thank you in advance


I have a Biz Spark MSDN subscription and VB6 Enterprise download from microsoft no longer gives the custom install option, only regular and server installs. How can we un-check the options causing the not-responding hang-up during install?

Niels Munch2 years ago

Thanks for the simple and clear instructions. I succeeded in installing on Server 2012 R2 as well. This was a life saver, after multiple futile attempts.


Thanks from me too! I installed the Pro version and although it seemed as though it was hanging at the end (the install screen had ‘…not responding’, it was only for about 30 secs., and then the install completed successfully.

I have a lot of legacy programs written if vb6 so this have helped a lot.

Thanks and regards,

Simon Morgan2 years ago

By the way, I think it’s worth mentioning that when you run it for the first time vb won’t find some of the DLL’s it is looking for. You will get the standard error with DLL’s and it won’t run. The DLL’s it can’t find will have been put in a folder off your ‘Users’ folder, which is why vb6 can’t find them. All you have to do is copy them from where they are to your sysWOW64 folder and bob’s your uncle (you don’t have to register them).


Thanks a lot! :-)
I needed the solution to ““Setup is updating your system” progress getting stuck”.
I didn’t mind missing deinstall possibilities., but missed the vb-help.
I’m very happy having it available again!

xihco2 years ago

“Javasign.dll was unable to register itself in the system registry.” Installation is not complete….try re-installing.

I have followed the instruction carefully but still I always encounter this at the end. I am installing it in Windows 10. Please help.


“If you need ADO, etc. you may download the related ocx, copy it in windows/system32 and register it manually (regsvr32)”

what are the related ocx files and how to register. Can someone please help.

Sam2 years ago

Very useful :)


Thanks a Million Sir. Excellent explanation. Sir you have made it so simple. Once again thanks

Heince2 years ago

Thanks man you are my hero :)


Saved me a lot of trouble, thank you so much

Adrien2 years ago

Chapeau !!! Merci Beaucoup.


work as a charm…. thanks a lot bro.

andik2 years ago

woooooow thanks a lot, sir


Thanks a lot…. works as suggested!!

Harshad3 years ago

wow… nice help man. ( ‘_’ )//


If you need ADO, etc. you may download the related ocx, copy it in windows/system32 and register it manually (regsvr32). Reboot your system and you are done!

fuj1w4r43 years ago

Thanks a lot, sir Adobe premiere elements software.


This is worked for me once, Kudos. But then I had to re-install it. And now I am not able to bypass “Windows Virtual Machine for Java” mandatory install. Even after copying msjava.dll. Can anyone suggest me what to do? Maybe something with registry?

zdimension3 years ago

I had this problem too. Solved it by copying MSJAVA.DLL into C:Windows directly instead of System32 or SysWOW64.


Thanks a lot. The article has been very useful and you have explained things in great details.

ejolos3 years ago

Thanks guys……it helped me….smiles


Thanks a lot this helped me out…!!

S Ten5 years ago

VB6 installs and runs OK on the Windows 10 technical preview.
The future looks promising for VB6 programming.


wow it works thanks !!

Sten5 years ago

Vote for an updated Visual Basic 6



Linesh Jose6 years ago

Thanks bro. It really helped :)


Thanks man… It really helped a lot :)

mazgandhen7 years ago

That’s crazy cool way:) , thx very much


Thanx man…. :)

Yudis8 years ago

Ok. 1’m try this now…thank you very much



RyonanGT8 years ago

Nice guide…
Thank you very much… :D


I use VB6 myself daily (even nowadays), cause I’m not a professional programmer but since knew a lot about VB back then, I have a numerous essentials programs written by me in VB6 that help many people @ the company I work. At some point I will migrate to but as many of old VB6 coders… Time isn’t the best friend :)

Personally I didn’t have any issue with Win7 requiring MSJava.dll (maybe cause I have the PRO and not the ENTERPRISE version).

Just for information, You need to disable Aero Composition in VB6’s shortcut in order to be able to move components in normal speed (Aero really screws with the GUI environment of VB6).

In General, the experience isn’t the best but it’s usable (at least under 32bit Win7 versions).

Jehoven8 years ago

Thanks raymond. This is a great discovery. Nice hack.
For now, I want to thank you as this will really help me.
Thank you once again.


It is the best

Jyo8 years ago

Now this is what I call versatile hacking. Very nice!


You solve my problem regarding VB 6.0.

srikanth potnuru8 years ago

wow. now i understood whats the problem while installing vb6


LOL ! Hey Raymond …. you’re a latter day Sherlock Holmes but without the funny hat and pipe ! Well done ! *grins*

Ivan8 years ago

Nice! I have tons of VB6 code which may need to be compiled in the future, who knows… Good to know there is a way to make it work on win7!


thanks… it was really nice

Ahmad8 years ago

Great discovery. You always find ways to get rid of stuff. Highly appreciated your efforts. keep it up.


Ur great

Anish8 years ago

Tats great


You are excellent at analyzing and solving problem.

Chandra8 years ago

First to say…Good Work!


Thank you for posting this. Even though most people reading this don’t need this, it was very helpful to me.

I am a BCA student and my university (India) require to study VB 6 . Thank you very much.

INDRANIL8 years ago

Thanks for the nice tip Raymond. Very much useful for those who are using Win7 & want to use VB 6 too ;).


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